Rehab Physio is often essential to optimising outcomes with certain surgeries and often fast tracks your road to recovery.
After undergoing surgery you may be limited in mobility, on pain medications, unable to drive for a period of time or just not up to venturing outside the comfort of your home to visit a physiotherapist.
We can arrange convenient MOBILE PHYSIO appointments across the Gold Coast or ONLINE PHYSIO sessions anywhere within Australia.
Often it is useful to have a discharge summary if you have recently been in hospital. This will provide all the relevant details if you have had surgery.
Reports such as x-rays and MRIs can also provide useful information. This allows your Physiotherapist to gain a good understanding of your condition.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) also provides some information on their website into the benefits of rehabilitation.
Your Rehab Physio will conduct a thorough assessment and will determine what needs to be improved and the appropriate treatment prescribed.
Your Physiotherapist will monitor your progress and you will have peace of mind knowing your on the right track. Your practitioner will also explain what to expect during the process and how you can achieve the best outcomes.